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About Our Courses

Each course listed below is offered in cooperation with Centennial BOCES for 3 credits/45 hours for $200
 *If you are interested in Graduate Credits please refer to Grad Credits Page

Email us anytime if you have any questions. 
AI: Tools for the Educator
AI: Tools for Students
Brain Breaks
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application
Building Rapport

Classroom Management Hacks

Classroom Transitions

*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application

Creative & Innovative Content Delivery

*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application

Cross Curricular Instruction

Culturally Responsive Instruction


Digital Citizenship

Gaming in Education


Google for Education (Docs, Sheets, & Slides)

Google for Education (Forms, Drawing, & Classroom)

Google for Education (Chrome, Chromebooks & Meet)

Grant Writing
*This course requires 2 written grants

Innovative Review Strategies
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application

Intervention Strategies

Keeping up with Drug Culture

Learning the Stories of English Language Learners (ELL)
*This course requires reading a book

Motivating Students

*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application

Movement in the Classroom

*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application

Project Based Learning

Practicing Mindfulness
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application

Restorative Practices

Self-Care for the Educators

*This course requires 2 weeks of personal application

Social and Emotional Learning

The Science of Learning

Trauma Informed Practices

Understanding & Decoding Individual Education Programs

Understanding & Decoding Gifted/Talented (GT)

Using Digital Portfolios

Working with ADHA in Education

Working with English Language Learners (ELL)

  • $200 per course for 3 credits


  • Each course offered is worth 3 credits
    (1 credit = 15 hours) 
    for re-licensure credit in cooperation with Centennial BOCES


  • ALL content for courses is ONLINE only

  • If you are planning on turning in CEU credits for salary advancement 
    please check with your Human Resource Department.


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