B.A.K. to School
Professional Development Courses
for Educators by Educators
About Our Courses
Each course listed below is offered in cooperation with Centennial BOCES for 3 credits/45 hours for $200
*If you are interested in Graduate Credits please refer to Grad Credits Page
Email us anytime if you have any questions. baktoschool@gmail.com
AI: Tools for the Educator
AI: Tools for Students
Brain Breaks
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application
Building Rapport
Classroom Management Hacks
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application
Creative & Innovative Content Delivery
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application
Culturally Responsive Instruction
Google for Education (Docs, Sheets, & Slides)
Google for Education (Forms, Drawing, & Classroom)
Google for Education (Chrome, Chromebooks & Meet)
Grant Writing
*This course requires 2 written grants
Innovative Review Strategies
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application
Intervention Strategies
Keeping up with Drug Culture
Learning the Stories of English Language Learners (ELL)
*This course requires reading a book
Motivating Students
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application
Movement in the Classroom
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application
Project Based Learning
Practicing Mindfulness
*This course requires 2 weeks of classroom application
Restorative Practices
Self-Care for the Educators
*This course requires 2 weeks of personal application
Social and Emotional Learning
The Science of Learning
Trauma Informed Practices
Understanding & Decoding Individual Education Programs
Understanding & Decoding Gifted/Talented (GT)
Using Digital Portfolios
Working with ADHA in Education
Working with English Language Learners (ELL)
$200 per course for 3 credits
Each course offered is worth 3 credits
(1 credit = 15 hours)
for re-licensure credit in cooperation with Centennial BOCES
ALL content for courses is ONLINE only
If you are planning on turning in CEU credits for salary advancement
please check with your Human Resource Department.